Jessica and Katie
Ignatius Hall 717

News from our room:
Well, we haven't moved in yet.  Katie moves in on August 18.  Jess moves in on August 27.  Come and visit us at that time. 

We have a couch for guests to sit on...

We love Udder Delights and the PPV, both from New Martinsville, WV. 

Camping is our favorite activity. 

We are both in the WJU TPP (Teacher Preparation Program).  We love our TPP teachers.  Jess is in the Elementary Ed. program.  Katie is a math major, with Secondary Ed. certification. 

People that we expect to visit our room once we are there:
  • Amber Tucker (our RA)
  • Reg Greer
  • Bethany Eller
  • Heather Higgins
  • Rocky Fitzsimmons
  • Anna Marc (2nd semester only)
  • Desiree Pichard
  • Michaela Myers
  • Emily Urbanek
  • Any other math or elementary ed. majors that are not already on the list.
Movies/shows that we like to watch:
  • Stepmom
  • Adventures in Babysitting
  • 90210 (reruns)
  • A Wedding Story
  • Beaches
  • Y & R

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